Alan Schmitt <> writes:

> My main motivation for using this is that I have some code to
> preview a file using Quicklook (I'm on OS X), and code to open a
> file in an external app when in dired, so it's quite useful for
> files that emacs cannot display:

Alan, fyi if you don't know, openwith package does a pretty good job
of opening with external apps. I've been using it on osx for a while.

;; openwith setup to help in find-file, dired, helm, etc. for common file types
(use-package openwith
  :commands openwith-mode
    (openwith-mode t)
    (setq openwith-associations
          (quote (("\\.pdf\\'"  "open" (file))
                  ;;              ("\\.svg\\'"  "open" (file))
                  ("\\.\\(?:mpe?g\\|avi\\|wmv\\)\\'" "open -a vlc" (file))
                  ;; change .jpg to be able to show inline in .org mode
                  ;;              ("\\.\\(?:jp?g\\|png\\)\\'" "open" (file))
                  ("\\.ppt[x]*\\'"  "open" (file))
                  ("\\.doc[x]*\\'"  "open" (file))
                  ("\\.xls[x]*\\'"  "open" (file))
                  ("\\.html\\'"  "open" (file))
                  ("\\.vNotes.*\\'" "open" (file)) ;spotlight searches for 
Notes open these files


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