(jenia.ivlev) writes:

> I think it should be another version of the logging view that shows the
> most recent notes. 
> So if I have
> * TODO Another "loggin" view in the agenda
>     - Note taken on [2014-12-25 Thu 01:48] \\
>       Right now, this will not appear in the agenda
> That node should appear in the new logging view.
> Right now, only these type of entries appear:
> * some node
>     - Note taken on CLOCK: [2014-12-25 Thu 01:48] \\
>       Notice the "CLOCK".
> Soe maybe, we can implement two different "logging" views.
> One is the current one where "CLOCK: [date time]" appear in that logging
> view, and another view where the "Note taken on [date time]" appear in
> the loggin view.
> What do you think?

Yup, I agree. I've briefly looked through the code, and it's doable,
though it will take more work than I meant to put into this originally.
Mission creep! Plus it's Christmas -- I probably won't get to this for a
few more days...


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