
I tried current version of org-mode:

  commit 10954832e5168c301e4c0d266089a5f77062212b
  Author: Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
  Date:   Thu Jan 1 21:37:35 2015 +0100

and got the problem that most of my drawers are now regarded as
misformatted and I'm asked for repair.

Adding a new property to a task checks if the :PROPERTIES: drawer is the
first drawer after the task headline. In my case this is in most cases not
the case, because most of my task have a :LOGBOOK: oder :CLOCK: drawer at
first after headline.

Is this intended? I didn't found anything in the code or documentation.
Or is it a bug?

In any case this breaks nearly all my org-files.

With kinde regards,

Stefan-W. Hahn                          It is easy to make things.
                                        It is hard to make things simple.

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