Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

>> As you pointed out already, moving hyperref after all other header lines
>> introduces problems with another set of packages. Therefore, we could
>> end up with package combinations that this variable couldn't handle.
> Of which we do not rely at the moment.

Of course, but I'm just pointing out that silently postponing the
problem is worse than admitting there is one and let the user sort it
out, with guidance.

We should really stay away from the LaTeX packages mess.

> From a user POW it's easy to load
> stuff at the end of the preamble e.g. using scrfile (\AfterPackage{}{}) or
> etoolbox (\AtEndPreamble{}).

For an intermediate LaTeX user, this is easy. It is also for an
intermediate Org user (e.g., who knows how to modify
`org-latex-classes'). For beginners in both topics, there is the
footnote in org.texi.

> Which again will copy the current value into your init, potentially
> ignoring future updates of the variable (say if we add or remove packages
> at a later point).  [Correct me if I'm wrong].

You're right. But I don't see why we should try to get around this
common issue specifically for this problem, even though it exists for
every defcustom.

There is :version keyword for this matter.

> Anyway, I edited the org.texi as we won't agreement.

Thank you.

I don't want to separate "hyperref" from
`org-latex-default-packages-alist' and treat it differently.


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