Samuel Wales <> writes:
> if we redo this, perhaps we can also include an option that does
> export like :results verbatim, but does not send to echo area?
> unless i am misunderstanding something about babel [which is possible].

I do not think this discussion warrants any re-doing so far.  (Only an
addition to the manual)

Your suggestion seems like the missing thing here.  But I am not sure
how badly needed that is.  As John said, the ":results none" argument
was added to speed things up when the results are huge.  I have no idea
how much overhead it is to copy the results into the org buffer and into
the echo area.

At least it has not bothered me yet.  When the results are too big, I
usually use ":results none" because I do not want to see them in the org
buffer either.

Just my opinion,

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