Le 17/01/2015 04:48, Aaron Ecay a écrit :
Hi Thierry,

2014ko abenudak 22an, abonnements-ek idatzi zuen:
Is this better?
I’m very sorry, I lost track of your email over the winter holidays and
am only now coming back to it.  What’s more, you sent the latest patch
only to me and not the org list, so no one else was keeping an eye on it
Sorry about it...

I think the patch looks good.  I just pushed it to the master branch of
the org mode repository, along with a few other tweaks.

Thanks for your contribution,

Your welcome !

PS: sorry to be curious but I can't figure out is the language behind "2014ko abenudak 22an, abonnements-ek idatzi zuen" ( :-) )

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