Hello. I've been using Julien Danjou's code to good effect: 

Basically, it just advocates adding the following function, which then marks 
holidays with weekend face for clear viewing: 

    (require 'cl-lib)
    (setq org-agenda-day-face-function
          (defun jd:org-agenda-day-face-holidays-function (date)
            "Compute DATE face for holidays."
            (unless (org-agenda-todayp date)
              (cl-dolist (file (org-agenda-files nil 'ifmode))
                (let ((face
                       (cl-dolist (entry (org-agenda-get-day-entries file date))
                         (let ((category (with-temp-buffer
                                           (insert entry)
                                           (org-get-category (point-min)))))
                           (when (or (string= "Holiday" category)
                                     (string= "Vacation" category))
                             (return 'org-agenda-date-weekend))))))
                  (when face (return face)))))))

Now, however, it has stopped working. Once again I'm receiving the error, 
    cl-return-from: No catch for tag: --cl-block-nil--, org-agenda-date-weekend

Previously I repaired this by requiring 'cl-lib and making dolist into 
cl-dolist; but it no longer seems to be working. I'm not sure what's changed. 
Any suggestions? 

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