On 2015-02-11, at 15:46, Drew Adams <drew.ad...@oracle.com> wrote:

> It looks like you are trying to get the name of the bookmark at
> point in buffer `*Bookmark List*'.  To do that, just evaluate
> (bookmark-bmenu-bookmark).

 __       /                                                                 \
/  \      |                                                                 |
|  |      | It looks like you are trying to get the name of the bookmark at |
@  @      | point in buffer `*Bookmark List*'.  To do that, just evaluate   |
|| ||  <--| (bookmark-bmenu-bookmark).                                      |
|| ||     |                                                                 |
|\_/|     |                                                                 |
\___/     \_________________________________________________________________/

FTFY.  (Courtesy Fuco's clippy.el.)



Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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