So being new to elisp, I'm hoping there's a simple hack to disable the 
org-clock-select-task menu and go to a default (e.g. `C-x b' or `C-x f') style 
"type your option" interface that will would be populated with and return the 
same thing as the select-task-menu? 

I've been looking at the elisp behind the buffer switching functions and I'm 
afraid it's beyond me; perhaps the "default" of invoking a prompt and passing 
autocompletion values isn't as simple as I'd hoped? (Tory S. Anderson) writes:

> As per a recent discussion on the mailing list, I'm using the following to 
> enable persistence and extended length of the clock history:
> ;; Org clock-in
> (org-clock-persistence-insinuate)
> (setq org-clock-persist t)
> ;;; * Orgmode Modules
> (add-to-list 'org-modules 'habits)
> ;; Number of clock tasks to remember in history.
> (setq org-clock-history-length 35)  ; 1 to 9 + A to Z
> It works great, with one annoying problem: now that I have a list that goes 
> to M, it can be hard to figure out which shortcut goes to which item. I can 
> think of two possible solutions:
> 1. Alternately highlight lines, or underline (spreadsheet/table style)
> 2. Preferably, since I use Helm, if there were simply an autocomplete prompt 
> (like switch-buffer; no shortcut keys) this would actually be easiest.
> Can I disable the special pop-up screen (i.e. `org-clock-select-task') and 
> just use an shortcut-less autocomplete prompt (which, with helm will be 
> facilitated)? 

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