
When working with links in Org documents, I noticed that I often kill
surrounding text to bring it into the description, or vice versa.  At
some point, this made me think that it'd be nice to be able to add and
remove description words like Paredit lets you do with S-expressions.
I've put these Paredit-inspired slurping and barfing commands for Org
link descriptions in org-link-edit.el [1], in case others find them
useful.  Below is an example for each command.

- org-link-edit-forward-slurp

  The [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode]] site
  The [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode site]]

- org-link-edit-backward-slurp

  The [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode]] site
  [[http://orgmode.org/][The Org mode]] site

- org-link-edit-forward-barf

  The [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode]] site
  The [[http://orgmode.org/][Org]] mode site

- org-link-edit-backward-barf

  The [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode]] site
  The Org [[http://orgmode.org/][mode]] site

As I mention in the package commentary, I think this works well with
Oleh Krehel's excellent Hydra [2] because it allows you to repeat any of
these commands with a single key after the initial key sequence to
invoke the popup.

    (define-key org-mode-map YOUR-KEY
      (defhydra hydra-org-link-edit ()
        "Org Link Edit"
        ("j" org-link-edit-forward-slurp "forward slurp")
        ("k" org-link-edit-forward-barf "forward barf")
        ("u" org-link-edit-backward-slurp "backward slurp")
        ("i" org-link-edit-backward-barf "backward barf")
        ("q" nil "cancel")))

[1]: https://github.com/kyleam/org-link-edit/blob/master/org-link-edit.el
[2]: https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra


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