Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

>> This is exactly what we want: indent (non empty) lines starting in
>> [BEG ; END[. Or am I missing something?
> OK, the missing key is org-indent-line-to.  It works better in this case
> and I can use end.

>> Another option: when ENV is inserted the first time, store (e.g., in N)
>> how many (forward-line -1) are needed to go back to BEG. At the end of
>> the process, move to BEG then (forward-line n). I assume point is always
>> left on an empty lines. If it is not the case, you also need to store
>> current column, relatively to end of line.
> OK it now does this.

Oh, I pushed this by accident (damn).  Should I revert it?



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