Daniele Pizzolli <d...@toel.it> writes:

> Hello Ken,
> Ken Mankoff writes:
>> I'm working with my literate init file (emacs.org), and would like to
>> have certain sections not tangle. I currently do this with ":tangle no"
>> at the SRC block level. Is it possible to control tangling with tags at
>> the header level?
> Not with tag but with PROPERTIES:
> * outline header
>   :header-args: :tangle no
>   :END:
> More at
> http://orgmode.org/manual/Header-arguments-in-Org-mode-properties.html

This is what I would do as well.

>> It would make it much easier to disable/enable sections, and see what
>> sections are enabled/disabled, if the tangling state were more clearly
>> visible like tags are.
> I do not think that this is currently possible.

I haven't tried, but maybe one could use org-babel-pre-tangle-hook or
org-export-before-parsing-hook, depending on the context, to set/update
properties based on tags.  

For an init file the timing might matter.  I don't know how init.org
works, but presumably there's a "ignite.el" that starts the init process
using init.org?


Need more coffee. . .

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