Mail von Stefan-W. Hahn, Sun, 01 Mar 2015 at 09:13:26 +0100:


sorry, on addition:

> #+BEGIN_SRC elisp

  (setq org-completion-use-ido nil
        org-completion-use-iswitchb nil
        org-refile-use-outline-path nil
        org-completion-handler nil)

>   (defun helm-refile-completing-read (orig-func prompt collection &optional 
> predicate require-match
>                                                 initial-input hist def 
> inherit-input-method)
>     "Completing function for org-refile"
>     (helm-completing-read-default-1
>      prompt collection predicate require-match
>      initial-input hist def inherit-input-method
>      "org-refile" nil t)
>     )
>   (advice-add 'org-olpath-completing-read :around 
> #'helm-refile-completing-read)

With kind regards,

Stefan-W. Hahn                          It is easy to make things.
                                        It is hard to make things simple.

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