Jacob Gerlach <jacobgerl...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi List,
> I want to include a literal underscore in LaTeX export, like FOO_BAR. Right 
> now I get:
> FOO$_{\text{BAR}}$
> Contrary to this stackexchange question, if I try to escape the underscore 
> with a backslash, I get:
> FOO$\backslash$$_{\text{BAR}}
> I've found that I can setĀ org-export-with-sub-superscripts to "{}" to avoid 
> this problem, but I'd rather escape individual
> underscores on a case by case basis. Is this possible?

I don't think so.

FWIW, I always set

#+OPTIONS: ^:{}

in my files. That allows me to use a_b  for the majority of my use
cases, but still allows {subscripts} in the rare cases when I need them.

I'm not sure how useful it would be but maybe there should be a setting
to accommodate the inverse case: mostly subscripts a_b but allow literal
underscores using some additional markup.


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