"Charles C. Berry" wrote:
>>> Why ":results latex raw" and not ":results latex"?
>> I have no idea ;-)
>> I find, unfortunately, that getting babel to do what I want is somewhat
>> of an arcane art (for me) so once I get something doing what I want it
>> to do, I leave things alone...
> `:results latex raw' is equivalent to `:results raw'.
> [...]
> For example, a naked ~tildes~ will be marked up as \verb~tildes~ under
> `:results raw' or `:results latex raw', and as ~tildes~ under
> `:results latex'.

Aren't "raw" and "latex" two _mutually exclusive_ format options?

See http://orgmode.org/manual/results.html.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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