Hello again,

Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:

> Rasmus writes:
>> I agree.  I have the same problem when I build documents (via CI) on a
>> remote Debian server where I don't want to mess around with anything more
>> than what comes with Emacs by default.
> You can use a tarball and the support for manual builds, described in:
> http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-build-system.html#sec-7

I think there is even an existing way to automate the whole process,
isn't there?  Org is awesome.

But still, we were looking for an ELPA solution, not just a different

>> I understand that in Emacs 25 Org, Company, Gnus, CEDET and maybe a couple
>> of other packages will move to GNU ELPA and thus separate release channels
>> (these packages will still be bundled with Emacs).  This means we can push
>> out new versions easily, making more frequent releases more
>> attractive.
> None of this is going to lift one core limitation of package manager:
> "there can be only one".  It doesn't support packages that subsume other
> packages, so "org-whatever" is totally different from "org" and would be
> installed together when referenced by dependencies even though it makes
> no sense.

I wrote in my other e-mail that the limit is one per archive, but I
don't think that's technically true.  I think you can actually have as
many as you want, even from the same archive, but only the one with the
newest date (actually, greatest file name) will be installed.

So, to make all the packages that depend on Org use the unstable version
rather than the stable version, add-to-list 'package-archives the
unstable archive rather than the stable archive.

And if you want to keep have both the GNU archive and the Orgmode.org
archive in your package-archives, and you want to have the unstable
version from Orgmode.org installed instead of the stable version from
the GNU archive, no problem:  The one in the GNU archive has an older
date because the unstable one on the Orgmode.org server gets updates
every day, and thus the package manager will select that one to install.

T.F. Torrey

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