Leo Ufimtsev <lufim...@redhat.com> writes:

>>> (org-drawers
>>>    (quote
>>OMG ! All of them are used ?
> :-D,  I need to consolidate some of those. Many are left overs from the 
> distant past.

Copy that ! :)

> My todo list is publicly viewable:
> leoufimtsev.github.io./org/dev.org

Thank you for sharing.

> But below might be a more "typical" task.
> You might notice that most of my time stamps are ~30mins
> long. That's because I work in 30 minute time blocks (like pomodoro
> with 5 mins extra).

Interesting approach. Kind of /off topic/ but can you tell me in what
pomodoro is doing for you ? Are you the kind of person (like me) who
loves to have many topic/items and gets quickly bored when spending
too much time on each of them ?

> I use org-pomodoro with some customizations (e.g notifications upon 
> completion, stop/continue functionality etc..).

I need to learn that !

> I then have a 'last week' report that shows me what I've done the
> week before so I can use that to make my weekly reports.

This is something I'd like to produce too in order to fill my
activity report for my boss.

> *** HOLD [[https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=461616][Bug 461616 – 
> {GTK3} Combo improvements in background/foreground for gtk3]]

[ quite long todo ]

> Let me know if you have any questions.

As I see it, you write down and clock things as much as possible. My
sole question currently is: how do you think to clock things
permanently ? If I look at how I do this, I kind of miss my
clock-in/clock-out :)

-- Xavier.

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