Hi all,

Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> writes:
> Hi Aaron and all,
> Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> writes:
>> I'll take some time this weekend to see if I can wire this together with
>> the Elisp Aaron wrote for the Org exporter side.
> I've had some success with this.  I would not say that my efforts are
> complete yet, but I thought I should send an update to let everyone
> know.  I've published a branch here:
> https://github.com/wyleyr/org-mode
> which derives from Aaron's wip-cite-awe branch.  Basically, what I've
> been able to do so far is process citations in a document via
> org-citeproc, using a bibtex database file, then insert the processed
> citations and bibliography in the document during export.  (In theory,
> this should work with org-bibtex too, though I think I may have
> introduced a bug...the library is not producing well-formed bibtex from
> org-bibtex entries for me at the moment.)  It works pretty slick, at
> least for the simple cases I've tested.

[ ... ]

I have been following this thread from (quite) some distance as I am
very interested in more general citation support from orgmode.  Please
allow some basic questions:

1. For the LaTeX user
This change means that the LaTeX user can use org syntax for citations
rather than bare LaTeX (or links of some sort)?

And this org syntax could then (I guess is the future) be extended with
additional link-like functionality (maybe similar to org-ref)?

2. The non-LaTeX exports
These are all treated the same and will contain just text, that is
produced to mimic LaTeX's output to some extent?

I think I read some question about e.g. having zotero handling the
citations in the odt export.  Are there plans for such thing?

3. The database
As I understand the database currently is either bibtex or org?  But
that list could in principle be extended to zotero ... ?

And any other database X (zotero ...) would need translations X ->
bibtex to make the LaTeX export work with it as well?

4. Example
Could you post one of your examples?  I'd love to see the prototype in
action to have a proper picture of this.

Thanks to all working on this!

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