Melanie Bacou <> writes:

> Here is how titles and subtitles are supported in Bootstrap ("the most
> popular HTML/CSS/JS framework"):
> <div class="page-header">
>   <h1>This would be the title <small>and this the subtitle</small></h1>
> </div>
> ref:

I don't know what bootstrap is.  I have softened on the whole JS thing,
but a side should still work (almost) perfectly without it.

Anyway, the example looks ugly (IMO) as there's no line break.  Is that a
feature?  The <small> tag seems handy though.

> Another commonly seen approach is this (many web CMS use this pseudo
> standard):
> <h1 class="title">My Title</h1>
> <h2 class="subtitle">My Subtitle</h1>

This is basically how it's handled.  I guess you could get the former by
writing a custom preamble and disabling title export.

Is that good enough?


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