>  png(filename="filename.png",width=1200,height=700,fonts="serif")
>  tryCatch({
>  <<<< your plot goes here >>>>
>  },
>           error=function(e){
>               plot(x=-1:1, y=-1:1, type='n', xlab='', ylab='', axes=FALSE)
>               text(x=0, y=0, labels=e$message, col='red')
>               paste('ERROR', e$message, sep=' : ')})
>  dev.off()
> If you can get that or something like to work in R, report back here.

Thanks for the pointer. It is an issue with the graphics device being used. 

Using cairo and family (instead of fonts) works for me:

#+BEGIN_SRC R :results output graphics :exports results :file filename.png 
:width 1200 :height 700 :type cairo :family serif
<<R code here to produce a graph>>


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