On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Daniel E. Doherty <ded-...@ddoherty.net> wrote:
> I don't know when this started, but recently I've seen the following annoying
> behavior from M-RET in org files.

I have this on my main Org file and just assumed it was due to it
being big and Org having a tough time keeping track of all the various
blocks (src, example, etc.), properties, ids, and whatnot. I figured
I'd messed up the syntax in there somewhere and would just have to
deal with this quirky behavior.

I think others have experienced this as well (e.g.

Can you try commenting out:

#+begin_src .emacs
;;(setq org-blank-before-new-entry nil)

I copied my .emacs into a new config, started with emacs -Q, loaded
that file, and then tried your original post's exercise, repeating
after commenting out various lines in my own config file. We both had
the above setting, and that turned out to fix it for me on your test
file. Not sure if there's another interaction between your options vs.
mine, though, so confirmation is needed.


> I've tried tweaking a number of these settings with no luck.
> Any ideas about what is going wrong here?
> Dan Doherty

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