In a simple org-table like the following:

| aaaa |   |
| 漢   |   |

when pressing the TAB key in the bottom left cell, one space character is removed from that cell and the table thus looks like

| aaaa |   |
| 漢  |   |

Pressing TAB again in that cell removes another space character

| aaaa |   |
| 漢 |   |

I can repeat this until only one space remains between the Japanese character and the column separator to its right.

When working on a table, navigating via TAB, over time all the CJK cells that I TABbed out of - or Shift-TABbed out of - get affected, messing up the overall table layout. Once I press C-c C-c, the formatting of the whole table gets restored, until my next TAB, but it would of course be nice if TABs didn't destroy it in the first place.

Btw, org-table rocks and I use it all the time - and I hope to be able to use it with Japanese characters as well.


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5)
 of 2014-12-10 on gaia, modified by Debian
Package: Org-mode version 8.2.10 (8.2.10-dist @ /usr/share/emacs24/site-lisp/org-mode/)

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