I have never been able to make org sessions getting along properly with ipython, so at the moment I'm using a sort of handmade hybrid between org and an ipython notebook, doing the following:
1. Enter the first source block in a .org file
2. Start an ipython instance with C-c C-c
3. Keep the org/src buffer and *Python* buffer side by side
4. Copy paragraph of code around cursor (keeping cursor in position) (I usually split sections of code I want to run individually with spaces)
5. Select *Python* buffer
6. Go to last position
7. Type %paste
8. Go back to other buffer (src/org)

I probably sound like a caveman doing this over and over, but this is the most stable setup I could find. Plus I keep experimenting w/ code, and this gives me a very interactive environment. Macros helped me to automatize steps 4-8, but still it's not very flexible, e.g. I need the side-by-side buffers, with ipython already running.

I was wondering whether anybody has any suggestions to improve this (and make me save some minutes of life every day), or any good reference to make ipython work smoothly with org src blocks



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