Hi list,

I have a number of TODO items that should be done *every day*.  I do not
use Org-mode for them, since in the two-week agenda they tend to clutter
all days, not only today; if I complete such task, I want it not to be
visible in the agenda /at all/.

Is there a way to overcome this?  One way would be to gather these tasks
in a subtree, give it a special tag (or preferably, a category), and
define a custom agenda view /excluding/ this particular tag/category.
Is that possible?  I tried this

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("X" agenda "-mytag")))

but it didn't work as expected.  I also saw somewhere the
`org-agenda-skip-function' variable; would this be a good way?  If yes,
how to use it?  Do I get it correctly that it is a parameterless
function, called with point at some entry?  Also, I saw the
`org-agenda-skip-regexp' variable; maybe this is the way to go?  Or
maybe I should put `org-agenda-skip-if' into `org-agenda-skip-function'?


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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