On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:41:07AM -0400, Kyle Meyer wrote:
> Gregor Zattler <telegr...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Dear org-moders,
> >
> > I want to open-link-at-point (C-c C-o) in other window.  With
> > file links this is standard behaviour (at least with my
> > configuration).  But I don’t know how to do so with notmuch:
> > links.  Universal argument won’t help.
> org-notmuch-follow-link calls notmuch-show, which uses switch-to-buffer.
> You can set org-notmuch-open-function to a function that behaves the way
> you want.  There are probably cleaner ways to handle this, but below
> seems to work.
> #+begin_src elisp
>   (setq org-notmuch-open-function 'org-notmuch-follow-link-other-window)
>   (defun org-notmuch-follow-link-other-window (search)
>     "Like `org-notmuch-follow-link', but use other window."
>     (pop-to-buffer (save-window-excursion
>                      (notmuch-show (org-link-unescape search)))))
> #+end_src

I think this (writing your own defun) is the cleanest way to handle
this.  There is no way for Org to ensure a consistent behaviour for all
possible link types, there are too many.  Org can ensure consistency
only for physical files, and even then when they are opened inside
Emacs.  There is no shortage of links to binary files!

For what it's worth, I have customised notmuch open function to use the
notmuch-tree interface.


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