
I have found a solution by using the outline-magic.el and table.el
emacs extensions. So I can wrap/unwrap my headlines and format tables
with pipes.

Is there a easy way to get the TODO-DONE-SCHEDULED features of
org-mode in a simple el file?


2015-06-23 16:00 UTC+02:00, cédric ody <cedric.lis...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I hold an old pocket pc phone on which I have been able to install an
> binary version of emacs I have found on the web. This binary version
> is compiled for the arm processor that is on the device.
> I'd like to use main commands of org-mode, cycling and planning
> basically. I probably need to remove some packages like org-export and
> so on.
> I have downloaded an old version of org-mode (6.36) but I have not
> compiled it. I don't know how to compile el files into elc ones with
> such a configuration. On the emulator I am working on, I have problems
> of exhausted memory when loading the line "require 'org" in the
> .emacs.
> Could you tell me which el files are needed to get the cycling and
> planning tasks only. Can I use them without compiling them? Assuming
> that the 6.36 version works on the 20.4 emacs I have...
> thanks, cédric

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