On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 07:10:20AM -0400, Matt Price wrote:
(defun mime-send-mail ()
"org-mime-subtree and HTMLize"
;; wish I could get the PARENT headline here!
;; then figure out how to set subject to that headline!


you can get to the PARENT headline like this:

(defun org-inspect ()
   (re-search-backward "^\\* ")
   (message (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))
   (sit-for 2)))

and still have your marked subtree afterwards. Inserting these as headers
should be possible:
- set up a buffer with your subtree
- go to the beginning of the buffer
- add To: <your target address>
- add Subject: <the heading component>
- add empty line

Call (mail-send-and-exit) to send the message. Tested in Aquamacs under
OSX with its defaults, this brought up a Thunderbird [*] window with the To
and Subject filled in from the buffer.
Selecting another MUA via Emacs' variables might work the same.


[*] Yes, while I use mutt, Thunderbird is, for organizational reasons, my
unbeloved default mailer on this machine.

 A great many of today's security technologies are "secure" only because
 no-one has ever bothered attacking them. -- Peter Gutmann

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