Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> writes:

> Perfect! (as always i might add John ;))
> thx so muxh

Just to add to the mess, here's something I've used before -- kind of a
poor man's mail merge, to send spam (not really spam!).

(defvar my-spam-sent-names nil
 "Make sure that, even if we have to run this multiple times, people
 don't get spammed more than once.")

(defun my-spam-headline ()
  (cl-flet ((mp (p) (org-entry-get nil p t)))
    (let* ((org-inhibit-logging t)
           (file (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
           (subject "Sign up for my stuff")
           (name (mp "NAME"))
           (to (mp "MAIL_TO"))
           (from "Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net>")
           (salutation (mp "SALUTATION"))
           (body (replace-regexp-in-string "XXXX" salutation letter-text t))) 
      (when (equal "PITCH" (mp "TODO"))
        (unless (member name my-spam-sent-names)
            (org-mime-compose body 'html file (concat name " <" to ">")
                              subject `((from . ,from)))
          (push name my-spam-sent-names)
          (org-todo "WAITING")))))
  (setq org-map-continue-from (point-max))

(defun my-spam-tree ()
  (let ((letter-text "long string with XXXXs in it."))
    (org-map-entries #'my-spam-subtree "TODO=\"PITCH\"" 'tree)))

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