> For now you'd have to go with a filter or maybe use other means to produce
> a table.  In the past, when I have needed more complex tables I've usually
> used a mix of Hmisc in R, babel and some Emacs-lisp to clean it up...  Not
> so nice.

At this stage, I think I will just manually fix the final latex export. I do 
not know enough Emacs-lisp to be able to do this.

I have an org file (with a lot of embedded R and by now a lot of embedded 
LaTeX) producing a final pdf for a book, which goes to press in three days. I 
would be sorry if there is this little thing that I am unable to do in org :(.

Sometime back, Eric Schulte had very kindly shared code that creates 
multicolumn cells in latex export. I have used it extensively. I think that 
should be integrated into org.

In the meanwhile, I hope somebody can come up with a way to insert \cmidrule in 
tables before my next project :).

Thank you, and thank you all.


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