You can transpose the table like this:

Alternatively (adapted from that code): this might get you where you
need to be:

#+name: my-data
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| a | b | c | d |

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun get-transposed-table (tblname)
    (org-open-link-from-string (format  "[[%s]]" tblname))
    (while (not (org-table-p))
    (let* ((table (delete 'hline (org-table-to-lisp)))
           (contents (mapcar (lambda (p)
                               (let ((tp table))
                                  (lambda (rown)
                                        (pop (car tp))
                                      (setq tp (cdr tp))))
                             (car table))))
      (mapconcat (lambda(x) (concat "| " (mapconcat 'identity x " | " ) "  |\n" 
                 contents ""))))

: get-transposed-table

#+BEGIN_SRC python :var data=(get-transposed-table "my-data")
print data

: | 1 | a  |
: | 2 | b  |
: | 3 | c  |
: | 4 | d  |

Eric S Fraga writes:

> On Tuesday,  1 Sep 2015 at 08:38, Robert Klein wrote:
> [...]
>> You can use something like this:
> [...]
>> #+begin_src gnuplot :var data=grades :file noten.png
>>   put your gnuplot code here
>> #+end_src
> The problem for the OP will be that the data are in rows instead of
> columns and gnuplot will only plot columns (selected using
> "using").  The table needs to be transposed first (which is possible but
> don't ask me how ;-).

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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