> In the shell, the text wraps around to the next line, which is acceptable.
> This is not the case for Emacs windows split vertically with C-x 3 or ECB.

Try (setq truncate-partial-width-windows nil)

> On my system, the emacs.py rlcompleter interface works correctly and
> outputs a string, but python.el does not successfully read this string
> and reports "Can't find completion for "os.""

Can you try to debug this?
Try the following:
- C-h f python-symbol-completions RET
- middle-click on "python.el" to jump to the definition of the function
- C-u C-M-x so as to redefine the function with edebug-instrumentation
- now go to the python-mode buffer and redo the os.[TAB]
- you should now hopefully be in edebug-mode in python.el where you can
  advance step by step with SPC or n (it's not the same steps).
  See the elisp manual for more info about edebug.

Another thing you can do is to change:

           (condition-case ()
               (car (read-from-string (python-send-receive
                                       (format "emacs.complete(%S)" symbol))))
             (error nil))))
           (condition-case err
               (car (read-from-string (python-send-receive
                                       (format "emacs.complete(%S)" symbol))))
             (error (message "Error in completion: %S" err) nil))))

so you'll get more information about the error you get (the error is most
likely in read-from-string.  E.g. a missing close-paren, ...)


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