>     I have a hard time believing you tyhink this behavior is desirable.
>     So just to double check: you do realize I'm talking about the window's
>     cursor.
> I am not sure if that statement is meaningful.  Remember, the window's
> point value is never in use for the selected window.

I know the two are intricately linked, of course.  But then trying to come
up with a sensible "spec", I think it's best to start by separating those

I'm *not* talking so much about operational details of the behavior as about
the general user-level behavior.  From the users's perspective point barely
exists (most users only care about the windows's "cursors"), and users have
no clue that "the window's point value is never in use for the selected

> save-window-excursion is currently defined to preserve the buffer's
> point value even when it switches windows.  This is indeed somewhat
> strange, since ordinarily switching windows swaps the buffer's point
> value into the old window and swaps the new window's point value into
> the buffer.  Maybe it should be changed.  But changing it is somewhat
> risky, too.

As I said, I agree with the general idea that save-window-excursion
shouldn't affect point, but I indeed think it's more important that it
shouldn't cause any window's cursor to move.

Copying the value of one window's point to another window's point is (to me)
always a bug.

So, yes, I really think it should be changed.  I doubt it's risky, but
there's no hurry, so we can keep it for post-22.


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