>>>>> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Stefan Monnier wrote:

>> !    ;; Concatenate the switches and the target to be used with `ls'.
>> !    (setq cmd1 (concat "\"" cmd3 " " cmd1 "\""))))

> This looks wrong to me.  NetBSD's ftpd does not accept two arguments to the
> LS command, last I tried.  Concatenating them and enclosing them in double
> quotes won't make any difference either: it'll just consider that you want
> to see the listing of the "-alF /foo" directory which probably
> doesn't exist.

I confirmed it in the ftp.netbsd.org host, oops.  I agree to
revert it, er, though I think it means no one can upload files
rightly using ange-ftp.  Sigh.

AFAIK, the result of the `ls "-switches remote-file" local-file'
form is required only when updating the dired buffer just after
uploading a file.  It seems to be substituted by replacing the
whole dired buffer with the result of the `ls -switches' form
(it is similar to the case where the `g' command is performed).
It would be better since it will update not only the uploaded
file but also the timestamp for the parent directory; moreover,
the order of the remote files will also be updated (if the
switches contain the `-t' option).  I don't have a concrete plan
now, though.

>> !                   (setq name (cond ((string-equal rest "")
>> !                                     dir)
>> !                                    ((string-equal dir "/")
>> !                                     rest)
>> !                                    (t
>> !                                     (concat dir rest))))

> This looks OK, tho maybe it's worth trying to figure out whether it's
> correct for `rest' to be empty here or whether it is the symptom of
> another bug.  If this patch is the right fix, then it should include
> a comment explaining why and in which case `rest' can be empty.

I'll look into it again precisely and post additional comments,

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