Kenichi Handa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> 2, apply the patch below.
> I don't understand why you need it because the default value
> of selection-coding-system is compound-text-with-extensions,
> and thus the patch won't change the behavior.

Yes, the default value of selection-coding-system is
compound-text-with-extensions, but if I set selection coding system to
chinese-gbk, the coming in "compound text" is directly decoded by
chinese-gbk, and `ctext-post-read-conversion' is bypassed, so the "/2
gbk-0" con't be removed and polluted the emacs buffer.

If I don't set selection coding system to chinese-gbk, things turned
around, I can paste to emacs, but the coming out "compound text" is
not encoded properly, so crxvt-gb can't read them.

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