[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kim F. Storm) writes:

> David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> 1) Restrict the magic for PostScript files to %!PS
>>>  ("%!PS" . ps-mode)
>> And probably EPS?
> Dunno.
>>> 2) Recognize the specific case of TEX
>>>  ("%![^VT]" . ps-mode)
>> Sigh.  Seems like a magic string for the "TeXshop" TeX editor.  But I
>> think just ruling out [VT] is still asking for trouble.
> So maybe add this to the magic-mode-alist before the ps rule:
>   ("%!TEX" . tex-mode)

That makes "%!" even less discriminatory than your last proposal.  The
PostScript magic is _far_ too lenient.

I find strings like the following:


The Ghostscript example files (created manually, apparently) start


and nothing else.  I think it perfectly feasible to detect their
document type on the file name alone.

EPS files seem to start with something like

%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0

So I'd propose making the magic string for PostScript at least

While it may be conceivable to also allow %! on a line of its own, I
would judge that too weak for content-based detection.

David Kastrup

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