Actually adding it to .cvsignore does not change the behavior of 'cvs
update', it will still download MANIFEST after 'make clean' has
deleted it. 

sorry for so much trouble about a piece of trivia.  i'm perfectly
capable of understanding the makefile and reading up on CVS enough to
fully understand what's going on.  after I do that, i might suggest
something, but meantime just forget about this detail.

>> "K" == Kai wrote:

    K> "Matt Swift" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >> as i said, because i don't want "make clean" to delete anything that
    >> "cvs update" will download after it's deleted.

    K> Oh, sorry.  I completely forgot to mention that I have `cvs remove'd
    K> the file and added it to .cvsignore.  Therefore, it will be treated
    K> just like the *.elc files -- not added to CVS, not updated.

    K> kai
    K> -- 
    K> I like BOTH kinds of music.


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