I notice that there is now a TRAMP Debian package available, packaged
and submitted by Ola Lundqvist.

I didn't notice an announcement on the TRAMP mailing list about the
availability of this package, so it came as a bit of a surprise to me
when I scanned the new packages list. ;)

Anyway, I was wondering, Ola, if you had a particular plan for managing
the bug reports against the upstream sources?

I believe the correct plan here is to forward bug reports to the mailing
list as well as to yourself, but Kai and others here may have their own
point-of-view on the matter.

Also, it would be nice to know when a new release of TRAMP was being
made available.


If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing 
would appear to man as it is, Infinite.
        -- William Blake, _The Marriage of Heaven and Hell_

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