2023-03-20 Emacs news

  - Upcoming events:
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Fri Mar 24 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto 
- 1900 Etc/GMT - 2000 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Mar 25 0030 Asia/Kolkata - 0300 
    - Emacs APAC (virtual) <https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/> Sat Mar 25 0130 
America/Vancouver - 0330 America/Chicago - 0430 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT 
- 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Sat Mar 25 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto 
- 0900 Etc/GMT - 1000 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Sun Mar 26 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto 
- 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore
    - Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) <https://emacs-berlin.org/> Wed Mar 29 
0930 America/Vancouver - 1130 America/Chicago - 1230 America/Toronto - 1630 
Etc/GMT - 1830 Europe/Berlin - 2200 Asia/Kolkata -- Thu Mar 30 0030 
  - Emacs configuration:
    - [Remove (Unset/Unbind) Keybinding in Emacs] 
    - [Emacs Redux: Avoid Accidentally Minimizing Emacs] 
    - [Finding New Emacs Packages - System Crafters Live!] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spPFQZ5sZEc>) (02:00:33)
    - [My Experience With Meow Over One Week | MitchMarq42 の Blog] 
    - [marlonschlosshauer's Emacs Config] 
    - [vifon's emacs-config] 
  - Emacs Lisp:
    - [The Compat Elisp Library: A Package Maintainer’s Best Friend] 
    - [Andrea: Doctest.el or testing your pure Elisp functions in your 
    - [elisp-demos - Demonstrate Emacs Lisp APIs] 
(<https://github.com/xuchunyang/elisp-demos >)
    - [galdor/colors: Emacs Lisp color manipulation utilities.] 
(<https://github.com/galdor/colors>) ([@galdor] 
    - [toggle-debug-on-hidden-error.el: Get stack trace for functions with 
suppressed errors (filter functions, post command hooks, etc.) · GitHub] 
    - [plz.el v0.4 released (An HTTP library for Emacs)] 
(<https://github.com/alphapapa/plz.el>) ([Reddit] 
  - Appearance:
    - [Emacs Redux: Setting the Default Font for Emacs] 
  - Navigation:
    - [Irreal: Torstein Johansen on Dumb-jump] 
  - Dired:
    - [Aimé Bertrand: Custom functions No. 3 - Dired] 
  - Org Mode:
    - [How an Uber-Geeky Text Mode in a 40-Year-Old Editor Saved My Novel] 
    - [Notes list] (<https://i.redd.it/q83vi4z1kuoa1.png>) ([Reddit] 
    - [Custom Emacs Dashboard with upcoming Org Mode Tasks, random Org Roam 
note and more] 
    - [Jack Baty: Back to Org-roam (from Denote)] 
    - Import, export, and integration:
      - [Org Mode Citation and Footnote Features] 
      - [Solving a Scraping Problem with Emacs and Org Mode] 
 [Irreal] (<https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11227>))
      - [org-outlook.el: org-mode and outlook integration.] 
      - [Ox Zola, a relevant UPDATE] 
      - [Package release: ol-straight, Org links integration for straight.el] 
      - [Export org-mode database to Obsidian] 
    - Org development:
      - [ob-clojure.el: Fix results output, support clojure-cli] 
  - Denote:
    - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: Denote now optionally supports file name 
signatures (Folgezettel)] 
  - Completion:
    - [Jeremy Friesen: Spending a Bit of Time Reviewing Consult Emacs Package] 
    - [Vertico, Marginalia, All-the-icons-completion, and Orderless] 
    - [LaTeX snippets with Yasnippet & Auto Activating Snippets] 
  - Coding:
    - [Discovering Emacs podcast: Using Whitespace Mode in Emacs - EP4] 
    - [GNU Emacs as a LISP interpreter] 
    - [Just Sharing A Slight Tip On Forcing React Projects To Actually Indent 
Properly In Emacs] 
    - [major-mode for AutoIT language] 
(<https://github.com/Bad-ptr/autoit-mode.el>) ([Reddit] 
    - [Splitting and joining arguments using tree-sitter] 
(<https://blog.meain.io/2023/split-join-tree-sitter/>) ([Reddit] 
    - [Jeremy Friesen: Creating an Emacs Function to Create Yardoc Stubs] 
 - tree-sitter
    - [Git graph] (<https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11wdvkf/git_graph/>)
    - [vc-p4: VC integration with the Perforce version control system.] 
  - Mail, news, and chat:
    - [emacs-outlook-compli-mode: Outlook mode for Composing and Sending email 
(ONLY)] (<https://github.com/JasonSKK/emacs-outlook-compli-mode/>)
  - Fun:
    - [Save your screen with Emacs] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9n62WhBvDs>) (01:09)
    - [Let's play 2048 in Emacs] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4dvxiPhWqo>) (03:34)
  - AI:
    - [Don't know too much about ChatGPT nor comint mode, so let's play with 
them...] (<https://v.redd.it/4phj0ata3voa1>) ([Reddit] 
    - [ChatGPT inside Emacs] (<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL-nNOjqoxg>) 
    - [drcode/nrepl-gpt: allows you to query chatgpt from the clojure emacs 
repl] (<https://github.com/drcode/nrepl-gpt>)
    - [Python in Emacs 0079 - How to use ChatGPT in Python / Emacs code 
development?] (<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXaJ3IcimOc>) (01:44)
  - Community:
    - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] 
    - [Eric MacAdie: 2023-03 Austin Emacs Meetup] 
  - Other:
    - [Master Emacs in one year] 
 (2022, [HN] (<https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35214608>))
    - [New episodes on whitespace mode, incremental search and the mark ring] 
    - [i3bar.el] (<https://github.com/Stebalien/i3bar.el>)
    - [Properly installing Emacs on Windows] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyixBzLcf1A>) (18:48)
    - [Emacs MacOS icon] 
  - Emacs development:
    - [Prerelease naming, other work for 28.3 RC1] 
    - [Rename tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options to 
  - New packages:
    - feline <https://melpa.org/#/feline>: A modeline with very little (MELPA)
    - gptel <https://melpa.org/#/gptel>: A simple ChatGPT client (MELPA)
    - hyperdrive <https://melpa.org/#/hyperdrive>: Emacs gateway to the 
Hypercore network (MELPA)
    - lark-mode <https://melpa.org/#/lark-mode>: Major mode for editing Lark 
parser code (MELPA)
    - org-ai <https://melpa.org/#/org-ai>: Emacs org-mode integration for the 
    - realgud-trepan-xpy 
<https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/realgud-trepan-xpy.html>: Realgud front-end to 
trepan-xpy (GNU ELPA)
    - time-uuid-mode <https://melpa.org/#/time-uuid-mode>: Minor mode for 
previewing time uuids as an overlay (MELPA)
    - transient-extras-a2ps <https://melpa.org/#/transient-extras-a2ps>: A 
transient interface to a2ps (MELPA)
    - transient-extras <https://melpa.org/#/transient-extras>: Extra features 
for transient (MELPA)
    - transient-extras-lp <https://melpa.org/#/transient-extras-lp>: A 
transient interface to lp (MELPA)

  Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (<https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs>), 
[r/orgmode] (<https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode>), [r/spacemacs] 
(<https://www.reddit.com/r/spacemacs>), [r/planetemacs] 
(<https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs>), [Hacker News] 
 [lobste.rs] (<https://lobste.rs/search?q=emacs&what=stories&order=newest>), 
[planet.emacslife.com] (<https://planet.emacslife.com>), [YouTube] 
[the Emacs NEWS file] 
(<http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/log/etc/NEWS>), [Emacs Calendar] 
(<https://emacslife.com/calendar/>), [emacs-devel] 
(<http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-03>), and [lemmy/c/emacs] 
(<https://lemmy.ml/c/emacs>). Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. 
Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at 
[sa...@sachachua.com] (<mailto:sa...@sachachua.com>). Thank you!

    You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list.
    View list info/unsubscribe: 
    * 2023-03-20 Emacs news
- Upcoming events:
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Fri Mar 24 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 1900 Etc/GMT - 2000 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Mar 25 0030 Asia/Kolkata - 0300 Asia/Singapore
  - Emacs APAC (virtual) https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/ Sat Mar 25 0130 America/Vancouver - 0330 America/Chicago - 0430 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Sat Mar 25 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1000 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Sun Mar 26 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore
  - Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) https://emacs-berlin.org/ Wed Mar 29 0930 America/Vancouver - 1130 America/Chicago - 1230 America/Toronto - 1630 Etc/GMT - 1830 Europe/Berlin - 2200 Asia/Kolkata -- Thu Mar 30 0030 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs configuration:
  - [[https://emacsredux.com/blog/2023/03/12/remove-keybinding-in-emacs/][Remove (Unset/Unbind) Keybinding in Emacs]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11qblyt/remove_unsetunbind_keybinding_in_emacs/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://emacsredux.com/blog/2023/03/14/avoid-accidentally-minimizing-emacs/][Emacs Redux: Avoid Accidentally Minimizing Emacs]]
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spPFQZ5sZEc][Finding New Emacs Packages - System Crafters Live!]] (02:00:33)
  - [[https://mitchmarq42.xyz/articles/nyaaaao/][My Experience With Meow Over One Week | MitchMarq42 の Blog]]
  - [[https://github.com/marlonschlosshauer/dotfiles/blob/master/.emacs][marlonschlosshauer's Emacs Config]]
  - [[https://codeberg.org/vifon/emacs-config/src/branch/master/emacs.d][vifon's emacs-config]]
- Emacs Lisp:
  - [[https://emacsredux.com/blog/2023/03/16/the-compat-elisp-library-a-package-maintainer-s-best-friend/][The Compat Elisp Library: A Package Maintainer’s Best Friend]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11sy2q9/the_compat_elisp_library_a_package_maintainers/][Reddit]])
  - [[http://ag91.github.io/blog/2023/03/20/doctestel-or-testing-your-pure-elisp-functions-in-your-docstring][Andrea: Doctest.el or testing your pure Elisp functions in your docstring]]
  - [[https://github.com/xuchunyang/elisp-demos ][elisp-demos - Demonstrate Emacs Lisp APIs]]
  - [[https://github.com/galdor/colors][galdor/colors: Emacs Lisp color manipulation utilities.]] ([[https://emacs.ch/@galdor/110051437099587933][@galdor]])
  - [[https://gist.github.com/jdtsmith/1fbcacfe677d74bbe510aec80ac0050c][toggle-debug-on-hidden-error.el: Get stack trace for functions with suppressed errors (filter functions, post command hooks, etc.) · GitHub]]
  - [[https://github.com/alphapapa/plz.el][plz.el v0.4 released (An HTTP library for Emacs)]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11tewey/plzel_v04_released_an_http_library_for_emacs/][Reddit]])
- Appearance:
  - [[https://emacsredux.com/blog/2023/03/16/setting-the-default-font-for-emacs/][Emacs Redux: Setting the Default Font for Emacs]]
- Navigation:
  - [[https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11225][Irreal: Torstein Johansen on Dumb-jump]]
- Dired:
  - [[https://macowners.club/posts/custom-functions-3-dired/][Aimé Bertrand: Custom functions No. 3 - Dired]]
- Org Mode:
  - [[https://www.tomheon.com/2019/04/10/how-an-uber-geeky-text-mode-in-a-40-year-old-editor-saved-my-novel/][How an Uber-Geeky Text Mode in a 40-Year-Old Editor Saved My Novel]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs/comments/11v7xo5/how_an_ubergeeky_text_mode_in_a_40yearold_editor/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://i.redd.it/q83vi4z1kuoa1.png][Notes list]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11wc285/notes_list/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=374&v=poO9oaY1uSU&feature=youtu.be][Custom Emacs Dashboard with upcoming Org Mode Tasks, random Org Roam note and more]]
  - [[https://baty.net/2023/back-to-org-roam][Jack Baty: Back to Org-roam (from Denote)]]
  - Import, export, and integration:
    - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48fIhQ9ozH4][Org Mode Citation and Footnote Features]]
    - [[https://blog.nawaz.org/posts/2023/Mar/solving-a-scraping-problem-with-emacs-and-org-mode/][Solving a Scraping Problem with Emacs and Org Mode]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11tsrkb/solving_a_scraping_problem_with_emacs_and_org_mode/][Reddit]],  [[https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11227][Irreal]])
    - [[https://github.com/mattfidler/org-outlook.el][org-outlook.el: org-mode and outlook integration.]]
    - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/11wfa55/ox_zola_a_relevant_update/][Ox Zola, a relevant UPDATE]]
    - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11s5x9t/package_release_olstraight_org_links_integration/][Package release: ol-straight, Org links integration for straight.el]]
    - [[https://emacs.ch/@cpbotha/110054075643278415][Export org-mode database to Obsidian]]
  - Org development:
    - [[https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/org-mode.git/commit/etc/ORG-NEWS?id=6efb073463481ee572eb3bb1155cc3b0d6987df6][ob-clojure.el: Fix results output, support clojure-cli]]
- Denote:
  - [[https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2023-03-20-emacs-denote-signature-feature/][Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: Denote now optionally supports file name signatures (Folgezettel)]]
- Completion:
  - [[https://takeonrules.com/2023/03/14/spending-a-bit-of-time-reviewing-consult-emacs-package/][Jeremy Friesen: Spending a Bit of Time Reviewing Consult Emacs Package]]
  - [[https://kristofferbalintona.me/posts/202202211546/][Vertico, Marginalia, All-the-icons-completion, and Orderless]]
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cGsiRtBK9I&feature=youtu.be][LaTeX snippets with Yasnippet & Auto Activating Snippets]]
- Coding:
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uViGjSqrLDw][Discovering Emacs podcast: Using Whitespace Mode in Emacs - EP4]]
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11sqj3c/gnu_emacs_as_a_lisp_interpreter/][GNU Emacs as a LISP interpreter]]
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11s74wf/just_sharing_a_slight_tip_on_forcing_react/][Just Sharing A Slight Tip On Forcing React Projects To Actually Indent Properly In Emacs]]
  - [[https://github.com/Bad-ptr/autoit-mode.el][major-mode for AutoIT language]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11tp7ul/majormode_for_autoit_language/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://blog.meain.io/2023/split-join-tree-sitter/][Splitting and joining arguments using tree-sitter]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11rxxz5/splitting_and_joining_arguments_using_treesitter/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://takeonrules.com/2023/03/18/creating-an-emacs-function-to-create-yardoc-stubs/][Jeremy Friesen: Creating an Emacs Function to Create Yardoc Stubs]] - tree-sitter
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11wdvkf/git_graph/][Git graph]]
  - [[https://git.sr.ht/~ryuslash/vc-p4][vc-p4: VC integration with the Perforce version control system.]]
- Mail, news, and chat:
  - [[https://github.com/JasonSKK/emacs-outlook-compli-mode/][emacs-outlook-compli-mode: Outlook mode for Composing and Sending email (ONLY)]]
- Fun:
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9n62WhBvDs][Save your screen with Emacs]] (01:09)
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4dvxiPhWqo][Let's play 2048 in Emacs]] (03:34)
- AI:
  - [[https://v.redd.it/4phj0ata3voa1][Don't know too much about ChatGPT nor comint mode, so let's play with them...]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11wdub9/dont_know_too_much_about_chatgpt_nor_comint_mode/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL-nNOjqoxg][ChatGPT inside Emacs]] (03:59)
  - [[https://github.com/drcode/nrepl-gpt][drcode/nrepl-gpt: allows you to query chatgpt from the clojure emacs repl]]
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXaJ3IcimOc][Python in Emacs 0079 - How to use ChatGPT in Python / Emacs code development?]] (01:44)
- Community:
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11rq2gl/weekly_tips_tricks_c_thread/][Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread]]
  - [[https://macadie.info/2023/03/19/2023-03-austin-emacs-meetup/][Eric MacAdie: 2023-03 Austin Emacs Meetup]]
- Other:
  - [[https://github.com/redguardtoo/mastering-emacs-in-one-year-guide/blob/master/guide-en.org][Master Emacs in one year]] (2022, [[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35214608][HN]])
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11rwl9f/new_episodes_on_whitespace_mode_incremental/][New episodes on whitespace mode, incremental search and the mark ring]]
  - [[https://github.com/Stebalien/i3bar.el][i3bar.el]]
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyixBzLcf1A][Properly installing Emacs on Windows]] (18:48)
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/11tzszd/emacs_macos_icon/][Emacs MacOS icon]]
- Emacs development:
  - [[https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-03/msg00705.html][Prerelease naming, other work for 28.3 RC1]]
  - [[https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/commit/etc/NEWS?id=1c39347d58533280bae74c712ad0016a5c8992aa][Rename tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options to tramp-use-connection-share]]
- New packages:
  - https://melpa.org/#/feline: A modeline with very little (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/gptel: A simple ChatGPT client (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/hyperdrive: Emacs gateway to the Hypercore network (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/lark-mode: Major mode for editing Lark parser code (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/org-ai: Emacs org-mode integration for the OpenAI API (MELPA)
  - https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/realgud-trepan-xpy.html: Realgud front-end to trepan-xpy (GNU ELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/time-uuid-mode: Minor mode for previewing time uuids as an overlay (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/transient-extras-a2ps: A transient interface to a2ps (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/transient-extras: Extra features for transient (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/transient-extras-lp: A transient interface to lp (MELPA)

Links from [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs][reddit.com/r/emacs]], [[https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode][r/orgmode]], [[https://www.reddit.com/r/spacemacs][r/spacemacs]], [[https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs][r/planetemacs]], [[https://hn.algolia.com/?query=emacs&sort=byDate&prefix&page=0&dateRange=all&type=story][Hacker News]], [[https://lobste.rs/search?q=emacs&what=stories&order=newest][lobste.rs]], [[https://planet.emacslife.com][planet.emacslife.com]], [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4th0AZixyREOtvxDpdxC9oMuX7Ar7Sdt][YouTube]], [[http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/log/etc/NEWS][the Emacs NEWS file]], [[https://emacslife.com/calendar/][Emacs Calendar]], [[http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-03][emacs-devel]], and [[https://lemmy.ml/c/emacs][lemmy/c/emacs]]. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [[mailto:sa...@sachachua.com][sa...@sachachua.com]]. Thank you!

    You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list.
    [[https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents][View list info/unsubscribe]]

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