Drew Adams wrote:

> I think you're missing the point I made about a "family"
> of functions.
> Just having separate "many functions, all with few
> arguments" can make it more difficult to understand which is
> which, what's what, and when to use this one or that one.
> More generally, it's harder to see what the familial
> relations are. You can't as easily see the forest because of
> all the trees.

Indeed, you have to be familiar with the functions in order to
use them. Just as you have to be familiar with the optional
arguments and keywords to use them. So there is no difference
in that regard.

But I think the functions are easier to see than arguments and
keywords which are inside functions, because when I use
functions, I'm myself outside, not inside of them.

Or put it like this: If I have a computer that can do 100
things, I prefer 100 functions to 2 functions, one with
50 optional arguments and the other with 50 keywords.

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