Hello experts,

I've just started using the multiple projects feature by adding something like this to my .emacs file:

(setq emacs-wiki-projects
      `(("PrivateWiki" .
         ((emacs-wiki-directories . ("x:/path/to/wiki1"))
          (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory . "x:/path/to/webwiki1")))
        ("WorkWiki" .
         ((emacs-wiki-directories . ("x:/path/to/wiki2"))
          (emacs-wiki-default-page . "WorkWikiHome")
          (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory . "x:/path/to/webwiki2")))))

Everything works fine except that in the course of publishing a project, the WikiIndex.html isn't created correctly.

1. I receive warnings like these for every published page:

   (error Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size)
   (wrong-type-argument sequencep t)

2. WikiIndex.html contains only the predefined top and bottom lines, but no index.

3. The "Index" link at the bottom of the other pages does not refer to WikiIndex.html but rather to themselves.

I'm using the latest emacs-wiki version with emacs under Win 2000.

Can anyone help?


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