Laura Conrad <> writes:

>>>>>> "Mark" == Mark A Hershberger <> writes:
>     Mark> Second, the URL you should be using is
>     Mark> <>.  I hope to add RSD 
> support
>     Mark> for weblogger.el soon.  If weblogger.el already had RSD support, you
>     Mark> probably would be connected at this point.
> That should be in the documentation.  I did sort of know it, but not
> actively.

Would you mind writing something up that I could use in the documentation?

> OK, I'm still getting 400 errors from emacs 22, and from emacs 23 with
> the blog I used before, but from emacs 23 with a different and less
> fiddled-with wordpress installation, I have actually given it the blog
> url and username and password, and had an apparently successful setup.

> When I put anything (in this case "site test") in the "Keywords" line, it 
> says:

Er… yeah.  That's a bug.  Could you report it on Savannah


To answer your other questions, could you send me the values of the
following variables:





Every day, mindful practice.  When the mind is disciplined, then the
Way can work for us.  Otherwise, all we do is talk of the Way; everything
is just words; and the world will know us as its one great fool.

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