*Do we put Religion or Country first? The answer will show who is a true
Sri Lankan*

 Post-independent Sri Lanka has given little time for Sri Lanka to enjoy
meaningful peace. All politicians are friends in private but foes in
public. Some party or the other is fighting for a piece of a country as
small as Sri Lanka. We have failed to carve out an identity for ourselves
devoid of and separated from clinging to 500 years of colonial
brainwashing. Our leaders have failed to instill in the young even older
generation a sense of national pride that should have been incorporated
vigorously into the Education curriculum whether it is in public schools,
private schools or international. The people must essentially decolonize
their minds to feel they are part of a sovereign Sri Lanka and not have to
be told they are part of Sri Lanka or pretending to be part of Sri Lanka
while attempting to divide Sri Lanka. No one, who feels a part of Sri
Lanka, will attempt to create tensions as currently happening even if they
are influenced from foreign quarters. The importance is for people to
realize that no one can take one’s religion away unless one gives it up,
but there are many ways to take away one’s country. We have seen countries
divided and we are seeing live versions of countries being officially
divided and torn up leaving people divided and devastated. *The people of
Sri Lanka now need to ask is this where they want Sri Lanka to end up too?*

 Let us approach the topic by looking at the religions in Sri Lanka. In Sri
Lanka we have the Buddhists, the Hindus, Islam, Christians, Catholics,
Atheists and even Agnostics (those who don’t believe in anything). There is
little to question and historical evidence proves the Kings that ruled Sri
Lanka, over 180 of them followed Buddhist principles/teachings in what is
known as the dasa raja dharma (ten royal virtues) and the country’s
civilization was built upon these principles. *Buddhism was brought by
royal invitation from India to Sri Lanka and that sets Buddhism’s place in
Sri Lanka*.

 The religions of Islam and Christianity were foreign to Sri Lanka and came
accompanied by traders. Hinduism too came through various means. Hinduism
and Buddhism belong to the Dharmic religions and thus Buddhists and Hindus
have always had no issues in relation to religion.

The Yonas (Arab traders) arrived in Ceylon far before the existence of
Islam as a religion. This aspect is very important because people tend to
confuse the Arabs that became Islam after Islam became a religion and
equate that with the early Arab traders who were not following Islam, to
claim they were Muslims/Islam. Islam became a religion only in the 6th
century and started spreading globally after mid 6th century. There’s more
than 1000 years apart between Buddhism and Islam. Though Muslims came as
traders some were allowed to settle but they were not permitted to own
land. Muslims were given ownership of land only after 1815 by the British.

 Islam makes up 23% of the world Islamic adherents – 1.57billion. Over
1billion of these live in South/South-East Asia. There are 49
majority-Muslim countries. Indonesia has the largest Muslims. Incidentally,
Indonesia was once a Buddhist nation.

Christianity formally arrived in Ceylon only after the arrival of the
Portuguese in 1505. Christians make up 2.3billion of the 7billion world
population. 25 countries have majority Christian populations.

 Given the foreign nature of the 2 Abrahamic religions of Islam and
Christianity the global nature of the calls made upon adherent’s plays a
key role in how they function within a country especially so when what they
publicly vocalize amongst their own differs to what they vocalize publicly
among non-Abrahamic communities.

To explain this it would be good to know why the Vatican asks its envoys to
promote the notion of multiculturalism and equal status to all religions in
countries where Catholics are the minority while the Vatican encourages the
maintenance of the supremacy of the Catholic faith and Christian identity
in majority-Catholic nations. While in March 1997 Cardinal Ratzinger
predicted that Buddhism would, over the coming century, replace Marxism as
the main “enemy” of the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict himself said Christian
values “that represent the soul of the continent must remain” part of
Europe if it wants to be an example to the rest of the world.
http://www.cathnews.com/article.aspx?aeid=4488. The Pope in Spain 2011 advised
the Spanish people to retain its Christian identity rather than become
secular and multi-cultural. He also opposed Turkey joining the EU on the
grounds that 68 million Muslims would dilute Western Europe.

*Religious founders did not propagate violence – Religious leaders do *

The Catholic Church sanctioned African slave trade caused millions of
deaths, Taiping Rebellion in China caused 20m deaths, 1700 years of
Inquisition, women and children were sold as sex slaves to increase funding
for the Church (Pope Damasus), Pope Urban II had ordered slaughter of
10million Heretics, Pope Pius XII is said to have given Hitler details
instructions of how to exterminate non-Catholic minorities across Europe as
well as how to construct death camps, Goa Inquisition massacred Hindus,
Muslims, Indian Jews and all non-Catholics. Colonial invaders were all
Christians promoting trade and converting masses whilst as a policy
exterminating non-Christian religious sites.

Killing in the name of Islam is historical. Jihad destroyed a Christian
Middle East and Christian North Africa. 60million Christians perished as a
result. 80million Hindus were killed. Jihad destroyed all of Buddhism along
the silk route – 10million Buddhists perished. Approximately 270 million
nonbelievers died over the last 1400 years for the glory of political
Islam. Obviously,
no religious texts say to kill but Abrahamic religions have killed in the
name of religion and that fact cannot be denied. Then there is the case of
Muslims killings Muslims which is the newest phenomena taking place
globally instigated of course by Western interests. Muslims have failed to
understand how sectarian differences and killing their own can be better
than allowing the enemy to dictate annihilating one’s own. 11,000,000
Muslims are said to have been killed by their own since 1948.

*Violence in Sri Lanka*

What needs to be categorically said is that whoever inflicted damage to
lives and property in Aluthgama and surrounding areas were not Buddhists,
even if they were born Buddhists and neither did they protect Buddhism by
their actions. Buddhism is the only religion that reveres life of all
sentient beings including animals and thus the calls against animal
sacrifice. Which is why it is important to investigate how far these
supposed Buddhists are perhaps funded by foreign elements or advised by
foreign elements and working to their instructions? If so, the Buddhists
must immediately disassociate themselves from such elements. *We do not
want to or should allow foreign funded elements (possibly inciting the
other side simultaneously) to be protecting Buddhism or the Buddhist
identity of Sri Lanka, for their actions are in reality designed to do the
exact opposite as post-Aluthgama has shown.*

This does not however remove the elements that compose Buddhist grievances
which mainstream media ignores and politicians delay solving because
mathematics of political survival means more to them than protecting the
heritage and identity of the country. Minorities are aware that politicians
will sacrifice anything to remain in power and the minorities have
succeeded in using politicians to fulfill their agendas and *minorities
have always ended up the winner ceding nothing but getting more than what
they asked or expected* (on track towards little now more later)

What also needs to be said is just because someone wears a robe and by so
doing projects that he/she is a representative of that religion that does
not make him a real representative unless he practices what he is meant to
preach. This is applicable to Buddhists, Hindus, Catholic priests,
Christian priests, Islamic priests as well.

*State within a State*

 Part of the argument rests on the claim and disparity in vocalizing the
desire for peaceful co-existence while creating ghettos of areas mirroring
a new culture, new behaviors and new dress codes that did not exist decade
ago that are visibly seen now. Halal labeling did not exist, the current
increase in Muslim ladies in black did not exist, fully-covered school
going children did not exist, men in tribal wear did not exist, open animal
slaughter did not exist, shariah banking, demands for shariah laws, loud
speakers, madrassas all did not exist *– these have all become conflict
items questioning how far peaceful coexistence can prevail when by behavior
a visibly total new culture is unfolding before everyone’s eyes
self-separating them from the country’s majority culture.* In short, the
desire to live in co-existence is not translated into practice. Some areas
of Sri Lanka clearly reveal a state within a state (ex ‘Shariah’ zones in
the UK). This is a direct display to show a separate identity from the

 What people are always aware of is *that Islam is not just a religion but
an entire political system wherein the state is inseparable from religious
rule.* Islamic law, or Sharia is complete and not designed to coexist with
or be subordinate to other legal systems, in such a system Muslims are not
meant to be ruled by non-Muslims. Quran itself very clearly states that
Muslims are to resist unbelievers until they submit to Muslim rule. This is
why the process of visible change that people see in Sri Lanka advanced
from how Muslims were living earlier shows an interim period of passing
time until the stage where supremacy can dictate. *This is why people
question how far the Government is aware of these ground realities because
the Muslim people in all fairness to them are powerless against the orders
that come to them on how they should live.* *As we can see the moderate
Muslims are being overwhelmed and are not in control as fundamentalists
have taken over dictating how Muslims should function – the sufferings of
the Sufis have never been highlighted enough. A lot of Muslims do not
concur with this new scenario but they are powerless to do anything about

 *Disparity in Front office ‘Unite” Back office ‘Convert’*

 The conversion factor plays a key role and strikes a key impediment to
‘co-existence’. When there are calls by the Pope to ‘harvest souls’ and
both Islam and Christianity not only encourages but has institutions tasked
to propagate the faith and increase their numbers and these are funded
through their religious organizations and even States what defence do
non-Muslims and non-Christians have against this when even legislation is
blocked using influence and arm-twisting diplomacy. Hindus and Buddhists
share a common grievance in this.

*Buddhist grievances never heard *

*One thousand years ago Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Kashmir,
Indonesia and Maldives were all Buddhist**. It is no more now.* Buddhists
have not gone to any country by force or taken over countries. *The
countries where Buddhists prevail as a majority are only trying to preserve
their culture and identity**.* The scary aspect of the remaining majority
Buddhist nations ending up losing their Buddhist identity, heritage and
even being forcibly converted is frightening the Buddhist people. People
need to be sensitive of this fear which is historical and nothing made up.

Making this worse is how ‘political correctness’ ‘secular’ ‘multicultural’
slogans are eating into Buddhist space with politicians doing nothing about
it. The ground reality of this has created opportunities for elements
entering the picture claiming to be the savior when the chances of doing
more damage than good end up the final outcome. What worries Buddhists is
that their ‘non-violent’ religion is always taken for granted.

The other reality is - religions that seek peaceful co-existence when they
are in the minority cannot deny that when they are in the majority they
prohibit others from even entering their sacred sites. Non-Muslims are not
allowed in Mecca, Vatican will not allow a single non-Catholic religious
site inside Vatican City but in Sri Lanka whatever ridicules the country is
being subject to there is no denying that churches and mosques,
Christian/Catholic/Muslim prayer centers are increasing far more than
Buddhist or Hindu temples.

As far as grievances are concerned, it is unfortunate that mainstream media
has purposely blocked out view points of the Buddhists. The English media
in Sri Lanka enjoy a pet hate with journalists paid to compete among each
other on who is best at denigrating Buddhists and Buddhism. Little space is
given to even voice issues or question why Muslims are attempting to put up
mosques close to Buddhist temples and thereafter play the azan over
loudspeakers 5 times a day despite a Supreme Court interim order when the
Government has given an exclusive radio channel for Muslims and with
mobiles/phones/wrist watches there is no requirement to call anyone for
prayer in this day and age. When the West is also bringing moratoriums on
mosques why do politicians not wish to even consider this? The issues of
halal labels, sharia laws (parallel law to Sri Lanka) and sharia banking,
cattle slaughter have not found any response or solution. The new dress
code poses great national security concerns as even robbers can dress in
same attire, should authorities not look at bringing in rules such as in
France where the court ruling was clear – *Arabic culture is not Islam.*

It is unfair to question Buddhist tolerance when historically Abrahamic
religions have shown intolerance through killings. Non-Muslims cannot
practice their religions in the Arabian peninsula and the territory and
space of Islam is declared non-negotiable and no moderate Muslims have
stood against this to make demands on behalf of non-Muslims *but *Muslims
in non-Muslim nations enjoy far more than non-Muslims do in Muslim nations.

How can there be dialogue on peaceful co-existence when non-Abrahamic
religions are not officially recognized? Are these not verbal slogans meant
to fool the masses and project a wrong notion globally?

While we cannot solve the world’s ills, what we need to do in respect of
Sri Lanka is to realize that whatever religion we are born into, we are all
citizens of Sri Lanka. It is unfortunate that the very powers that are
responsible for global discord are using religion to divide and create
chaos. We see how it has successfully managed to leave a trail of death in
Africa, Arabian peninsula and now Asia. It should not be a surprise that
Sri Lanka would become the next target with LTTE terror at least militarily
dealt with.

We were all well aware what the next tension hot spot would be, warnings
were given to the Government, politicians however did not heed those
warnings in fact they gave permission and waived visa requirements that
allowed elements to enter and introduce dissent while the same parties
would have encouraged the other side to oppose. This is the same game that
has been played for centuries.

Why have we fallen? We have fallen because we have not put the country
first. We have to as citizens put aside all other emotions and save our
country from being dragged into another unnecessary playing field that the
ordinary people will end up victims. People need to realize that religious
leaders are not necessarily functioning to nurture any religion except to
use the people as tools for a larger agenda.

The challenge today is to bring good morals, good values and ethics into
our daily lives and the rest will fall into place.

*Shenali D Waduge*

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