Hello Everyone!

I have been looking through many messages in this mailing list but could not 
find the desired information; I believe a simple “Distributed tutorial for 
EMANE” would be very useful.

I am trying to have a distributed version of EMANE in order to have multiple 
nodes on multiples computers and all nodes communicating with each other. For 
example, assuming host1 and host2 are my two physical computers, I would like 
node-1 and node-2 to run on host1 as LXC and node-3 and node-4 on host2 as LXC.

I already tried to follow the details from the two following threads which are 
the closest that I could find from what my goal: 
http://emane-users.pf.itd.nrl.navy.narkive.com/L8Wlov9T/distributed-emane and
http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.emane.user/214. These two links only 
allowed me to have one single node on each of the two computer communicating 
with each other. (node-1 on host1 and node-2 on host2), which does not 
correspond to what I need. This was not using containers.

If I go a bit more in details with a practical example, that I named the ‘2x2’ 

Host1 (Ubuntu 14.04): eth0 IP is
Host2 (Ubuntu 14.04): eth0 IP is
Host1 would be the master and also have node-1 (nodeIP:, radioIP: and node-2 (nodeIP:, radioIP: in their 
respective LXC
Host2 would have node-3 (nodeIP:, radioIP: and node-4 
(nodeIP:, radioIP: in their respective LXC

è Then I would like to be able to:

o   Ping radio-3 or radio-4 while being logged with ssh in node-1

o   Use EMANE tools (ex olsrlinkview.py) from Host1 to see all nodes

The final goal, in the future, would then be to automate this behaviour in 
order to run simulations with multiple nodes on multiple computers.
I started doing experimentations starting with the tutorial <0>, however I did 
not manage to understand how to connect the two computers … As in my 
containers, I do not access to the eth0 of my HOST which, I believe, would be 
required to allow communications between nodes from different machines.

It seems, from what I read, that I should use CORE to do so, but I believe it 
would add an extra layer on top of EMANE which might not be that good for 
automating the whole process in the end.

Do any of you have a few insights on what I should do to run my 2x2 example ? 
Any tutorial on running such example ?
Best regards,
█ Dr.Ing.EPF Simon Ruffieux ▪ Scientific Collaborator ▪ Member of HumanTech 
█ University of Applied Sciences HES-SO//Fribourg ▪ School of Engineering And 
Architecture ▪ Pérolles 80 ▪ CP 32 ▪ CH-1705 Fribourg ▪ +41 (0)26 429 67 38
█ www.eia-fr.ch<http://www.eia-fr.ch/> ▪ 

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