emane does not support CPU pinning. Users requiring CPU pinning, pin the
containers running emane.

The experiment test flow in the emane-tutorial is a very simple
environment for illustrative purposes only. The test flow provides an
environment to learn how to use emane. It was not intended to be used
for research purposes.

On 02/05/2018 04:53 PM, b...@robocomai.com wrote:
> We will want to run EMANE using real time priorities, and will likely
> what to pin different emane instances to separate CPU cores.
> While CPU shielding involves both CPU pinning and isolation, CPU
> isolation is outside the scope of this discussion.
> The EMANE demo initialization provides argument to the emane proper that
> does not appear to include an argument for a CPU core,
> so presumably there is no thread pinning as a command line argument.
> The following is a dump of the EMANE executable command line options.
> How then do we specific a CPU core for thread pinning?
> emane --help
> usage: emane [OPTIONS]... CONFIG_URL
>  CONFIG_URL                      URL of XML configuration file.
> options:
>   -d, --daemonize                Run in the background.
>   -h, --help                     Print this message and exit.
>   -f, --logfile FILE             Log to a file instead of stdout.
>   -l, --loglevel [0,4]           Set initial log level.
>                                   default: 2
>   --pidfile FILE                 Write application pid to file.
>   -p, --priority [0,99]          Set realtime priority level.
>                                  Only used with -r, --realtime.
>                                   default: 50
>   -r, --realtime                 Set realtime scheduling.
>   --syslog                       Log to syslog instead of stdout.
>   --uuidfile FILE                Write the application instance UUID to
> file.
>   -v, --version                  Print version and exit.
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