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Hi all, I need some help dynamically moving nodes in my emulation.  I have a 
two node network, with each node within its own LXC container (same as the 
tutorials).  I've figured out from the tutorials how to use gpsd, and from that 
how to use cgps to monitor where a node is physically supposed to be.  I've 
been trying to use emaneevent-location to change the location of one of the 
nodes.  However, regardless of what I try, it doesn't move.  My concern is that 
it's because of my setup; I'm using the eelgenerator plugin to setup the 
initial conditions, which I suspect may prevent external events from being 
processed; is this correct?  If not, what should I be doing?

What I've tried:

- Setup a simple 2 node network where the nodes are in exactly the same 
location.  They are able to communicate with one another correctly across emane 
(I can SSH from one node to the other via the emane network).
- Created a simple EEL file to move the nodes around at one minute intervals.
- Started up emaneevent-dump.  This shows the events from the EEL generator.  
Using cgps within each container I can see that the nodes believe that they 
have moved.
- Waited until the last event from the EEL file executed.
- Used emaneevent-location to try to move node-1 around.  I can see it publish 
an event (via emaneevent-dump) but it doesn't have any effect.

Any ideas?

Cem Karan
emane-users mailing list

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