I would like to model an OFDM waveform at the EMANE PHY Layer as 1024 FFT 
integer data points over a 10 MHz bandwidth, where the time duration of each of 
the 1024 frequency components would start with a time offset of 0, and each 
segment would last for the duration of the waveform transmission (e.g. 2 ms). 
EMANE supports multiple frequency segments with individual power levels for a 
single transmission, with individual durations and offsets from time equal 
Is it possible to utilized 1024 individual frequency components for a 
transmission, each of which would have a time offset of 0 in EMANE, or is there 
some limitation to this approach?

For example, frequency segments time value are relative to each other and 
therefore sequential and not simultaneous, or 1024 frequency elements exceeds 
some implementation capacity?
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