> You need to fix or comment out the tsw, emblnew, trembl and nbrf databases
> to avoid those messages. whichdb tries all sequence databases and is a good
> way to catch database that are not working (servers down, data or index
> files not in the expected directory)

after commenting those db i get the following:

$: whichdb BCL2L10
Search all sequence databases for an entry and retrieve it
Output file [outfile.whichdb]: stdout
Warning: Cannot open division file '<null>' for database 'em'
Warning: seqCdQry failed
Warning: Cannot open division file '<null>' for database 'sw'
Warning: seqCdQry failed
Warning: Cannot open division file '<null>' for database 'trhuman'
Warning: seqCdQry failed
Warning: Cannot open division file '<null>' for database 'human'
Warning: seqCdQry failed
Warning: Cannot open division file '<null>' for database 'tremblnew'
Warning: seqCdQry failed
Warning: Cannot open division file '<null>' for database 'swissprot'
Warning: seqCdQry failed
Warning: Cannot open division file '<null>' for database 'embl'
Warning: seqCdQry failed
Warning: Cannot open division file '<null>' for database 'pir'

   EMBOSS An error in ajseqdb.c at line 5350:
seqCdQryOpen failed
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