New bug-fix files are available for EMBOSS-6.4.0 and, for Windows
users, a new version of mEMBOSS is available.

The bugs fixed include those recently fixed (22-24), listed below,
and all those fixed by previous patches (1-21).


As usual, the most convenient way of applying the bug-fixes is
to apply the patch file:

to a freshly extracted copy of the EMBOSS-6.4.0.tar.gz source code
and recompiling/installing.

 for instructions on using 'patch').

Alternatively, you can individually copy the patched files
from the directory
if your system does not support 'patch'.


The new version incorporates all new and previous bug-fixes.
Uninstall your previous mEMBOSS installation and download and install
the new setup file from:



Fix 22. EMBOSS-6.4.0/emboss/diffseq.c

14-Sep-2011: Diffseq reports insertions in the second sequence with a
             length 2 reversed region in the first sequence instead of
             a length 0 empty sequence. This bug was introduced in
             release 6.0.0 when reversed sequence features were updated.

Fix 23. EMBOSS-6.4.0/ajax/core/ajindex.c

04-Oct-2011: Dbx index files from earlier releases do not include a
             type parameter to indicate an Identifier or Secondary
             index. The code to test index field names failed to
             define id and acc fields as Identifiers. This fix allows
             old indexes to work with EMBOSS 6.4.0.

Fix 24. EMBOSS-6.4.0/ajax/core/ajfileio.c

05-Oct-2011: Trimming carriage controls from the ends of lines in a
             buffer failed when MacOSX-style characters are used and
             the line buffer is a reference counted string. An example
             on non-MacOSX systems was processing the data returned by
             the NCBI Entrez server.

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