Errr.............bit surprised by this. the "Pattern_name" field has changed.  
Previously it was a reference - now it is the reference and the actual pattern............


I know the results are different - its just to illustrate the format change.

pre output

# Sequence: chr1_145549491_145550484     from: 1   to: 200
# HitCount: 4
# Pattern_name Mismatch Pattern
# pattern1            3 CC[AT](6)GG
# Complement: Yes

  Start     End  Strand Pattern_name Mismatch Sequence
    168     177       + pattern1            2 GCTATATAAG
    169     178       + pattern1            1 CTATATAAGG
    168     177       - pattern1            2 CTTATATAGC
    169     178       - pattern1            1 CCTTATATAG


post output

# Sequence: chr1_145549491_145550484     from: 1   to: 200
# HitCount: 2
# Pattern_name Mismatch Pattern
# pattern1            3 CC[AT](6)GG
# Complement: No

  Start     End  Strand Pattern_name          Mismatch Sequence
    101     110       + pattern1: CC[AT](6)GG        2 GCTATATAAG
    102     111       + pattern1: CC[AT](6)GG        1 CTATATAAGG



Aengus Stewart                                 Tel: +44 (0)20 7269 3679
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