--- Better not to have a publication than to publish in WORLDCOMP and
spoil the resume forever ---

If you didn't know already, WORLDCOMP is the World's biggest fake
conference in computer science
http://sites.google.com/site/worlddump1  The next WORLDCOMP (consists
of more than twenty different conferences) will be during July 16-19,
2012, USA.

Hamid Arabnia (a professor in computer science from University of
Georgia, USA) has been running this fake (bogus or junk or scam)
conference business to collect registration fee for over a decade. He
accepts almost all submitted papers but cheating that there is a
review by "two experts". He accumulated millions of dollars by this

If the above link didn't work, you may try

If none of these links work, search internet using worldcomp bogus

If you have a paper in WORLDCOMP 2011 or earlier, you may file a
lawsuit against Hamid Arabnia because he cheated you about reviews,
reviewers, acceptance policies and acceptance rates.

James Allen

LATEST NEWS (as of March 11, 2012): Hamid Arabnia removed his name and
address (ie, University of Georgia, where he is working as a
professor) from WORLDCOMP website. If the conference is not fake, why
he removed them suddenly? Who is the chair/coordinator of this bogus
conference now? There are no committee members, keynote speeches and
sponsors. The draft paper submission date is quietly extended. Why is
Hamid Arabnia still running the fake conference anonymously and for
whose benefit? We ask him to answer all these questions. This is the
first time (in the entire world) a conference is running without the
chair/coordinator name listed. Hamid Arabnia may soon bring another
person (just for name sake) as the chair of WORLDCOMP and still Hamdid
Arabnia run it from behind the scenes forever.
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